Sunday, 26 May 2013

Just to give some idea of the "In Her Majesty's Name" project that I'm working on, here are a few photos of the first gang that I've painted up: Lord Curr's Company:

First shot is Lord Curr and Lady Felicity, second is Lord Curr's Incorrigibles, and the last one shows Mohan Singh, his loyal manservant, and Mad Mick McFarlane (inventor). All very serious stuff!


  1. You will find that despite his lack of armour Mohan Singh is not a gentleman you want to cross.
    My son Conor has thrashed me twice by getting Singh to a position of advantage and then just putting my men through the mincer.

  2. Vox Dei, by Jove! I'm planning to run an IHMN demo/participation game at the Exeter Legionary show (next May) - just getting Companies together and hoping to get some games in soon. I assume that you are utilising Mr Babbage's finest Differential Machinery in your quest for news, General Cartmel?
